I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.... 'This is the Sea 2' is taking shape and getting ready to leap out of your DVD players at you. My main problem now is that I have too MUCH great material. Something will have to be left on the cutting room floor - but what!? I have to chose from my circuumnavigation of Tamsania with Gemma and Trys - stunning scenery in Norway's wild Lofoten islands - more excellent action from my local tidal race Penrhyn Mawr - whales, icebergs and millions of birds in Newfoundland - paddling with aligators in Florida - some of Britains best kayakers in an event dubbed 'Black Belt Seakayaking' at 'the Bitches' - Doug Van Doren showing that greenland paddles kick butt in all conditions - a feature on the ocean racer Ben Lawry surfing swells in Georgia - paddling under the Golden Gate Bridge - Trys Morris up close and personal with seals at Puffin Island - the extremely talented Sean Morley who makes surfing a racing kayak with a rudder within inches of a cliff look easy - a trip to the Manitou islands in Lake Michigan - a 6 month circumnavigation of Japan by Hadas Feldman and Jeff Allen - some great footage from Bryan Smith at the tidal wave at 'Skooks'....... and more.
So what do you reckon?? I'd love to get some feedback about what people most want to see. In truth, I expect that anything I leave out of 'the sea2' will be put into a future video but I'd still like feedback. You have a few days to let me know as I hope to finish the editing by next week. I should be working away at it now but there's a powercut here so I'm taking the chance to do some stuff on my laptop ( thank goodness for batteries! ).
As for the title..... I had lots of good suggestions from people, but none that reached out and grabbed me. Most people suggested things very similar to 'This is the Sea', like 'Back 2 the Sea', 'Return 2 the Sea', 'In2 the sea'. A few clever folks came up with things that made me laugh, like 'This is the SEAquel', and 'This is the Sea Too'. It might end up being 'This is the Sea Too'.... although the predictable, but recognisable "This is the Sea 2" is more likely!
I started making seakayaking videos so I could be more in control of my life and spend time doing the things that I enjoy - like seakayaking! In the last few months I seem to have been so busy working, editing and organising that I've hardly been
on the water. um, something a bit wrong there, but if you struggle to get hold of me once the DVD is .
A postscript.... I'm thinking about leaving the Tasmania cicumnavigation out of 'This is the Sea 2' because there is a lot of good dramatic stuff there and I am struggling to cut it down to about 15 minutes. I have plenty of other great features to make a good hour of viewing on 'This is the Sea 2'. Would people be interested in buying a separate longer, approx 30 mins DVD of the Tasmania circumnavigation trip, or would you rather have a taste of it within a video like 'This is the Sea'? Please let me know your thoughts, on this blog, or email me.